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Berlin institution implements prohibition on photographing graffiti.

The scandalous affair at Humboldt University of Berlin continues. According to WELT, a publication associated with the Axel Springer media group, the University's administration has forbidden the taking and dissemination of images of graffiti by pro-Palestinian protesters.

Bei der Besetzung der Humboldt-Universität in Berlin wurden die Wände mit Hass-Graffitis...
Bei der Besetzung der Humboldt-Universität in Berlin wurden die Wände mit Hass-Graffitis beschmiert. Die Uni will sie vor der Öffentlichkeit verbergen

Slogans against Israel should not be promoted. - Berlin institution implements prohibition on photographing graffiti.

On Friday evening, university staff in Berlin received an email from institute leaders Anette Fasang and Christian Volk. The email was sent on behalf of university president Julia von Blumenthal (53).

The message warned of "numerous very distressing graffiti" and asked staff members to organize among themselves who could come and handle the situation. The instruction emphasized that no photos of the graffiti should be taken or shared.

This translated to a photo ban for any hate graffiti that may have been present.

The situation at the university had spiraled out of control, according to sources from within the institute. Palestinian activists had banged on office doors, creating a threatening environment. Scientists rushed to leave their workspaces.

Despite the presence of strong police forces stationed outside the university, it was odd that they did not intervene within the building.


Due to ongoing renovations, the institute was currently closed. Employees were only allowed to enter the building for "inventory taking and removal of work materials."

The occupation began on Wednesday, and the occupiers were given a 24-hour tolerance period by university president von Blumenthal. Negotiations between the occupiers and officials took place on Thursday, but it became clear that the occupation would not end.

As the negotiations continued, Mayor Kai Wegner (51, CDU) made the decision to clear the university.

Laut Instituts-Mitarbeitern sind die Palästinenser-Aktivisten in aggressiver Form in das Gebäude eingedrungen und aufgetreten

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