Uncovering ten fresh pieces of information. - Bees also possess perspiring appendages.
Einstein supposedly remarked in '49: "When bees vanish from Earth, humans can only survive four years. No bees, no pollination, no plants, no animals, no people."
The honey bee's significance as a pollinator is enormous—they're accountable for almost 80% of all crops and wildflower species. Without bees, our food supply is at risk.
Zoologist Prof. Dr. Jürgen Tautz scientifically studies bees and frequently uncovers fascinating facts. In March '24, he published his new book, "Bees' Sweaty Feet" (Ulmer Verlag, €20, 144 pages). Here are 10 intriguing bee truths from the tome.
1. Bees perceive colors
...albeit they turn colorblind when in flight. The bee only views various shades of green during haste.
2. Bees also utilize an optical odometer
Bees rely on this device to estimate how far they've flown. Despite this, they never venture beyond a ten-kilometer range.
3. Bees grasp flower-nectar schedules
This allows them to adjust their workday.
4. Bees' feet perspire
Glands on their legs excrete a substance that informs other bees that a flower has used all its nectar.
5. Bees manage 35-degree Celsius nest temperature
Heater bees maintain this consistent temperature.
6. Bees feature "fuel refillers"
These insects replenish the spent heat bees with honey to keep them going.
7. Bees regulate colony lifespans
They control the lifespan of their nestmates by tempering their pupae.
8. Bees don't overwork
Although the colony itself is highly productive, individual bees only make three or four trips a day.
9. Bees' total flight expanse totals 700 kilometers per bee
Collectively, they traverse up to the Earth-Venus distance in a single summer.
10. Bees can be pest control aids
By mimicking predatory wasps, they deter harmful insects, thus reducing leaf damage by 70%.

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Source: symclub.org