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Kaum gefangen schwimmt er wieder: Der Biber im dänischen Aqua Akvarium & Dyrepark
Kaum gefangen schwimmt er wieder: Der Biber im dänischen Aqua Akvarium & Dyrepark

It is reported that he crossed the Baltic Sea in a canoe from Meck-Pomm. - Beaver Makes Its Way to Denmark by Swimming

In mid-May, an extraordinary guest made an appearance at the Danish harbor town of Nykøbing Falster. Initially spotted on the shore, it later wandered into a green area beside a kindergarten. Upon arriving at the scene, Mette Strack Christiansen, the district chairperson of "Dyrenes Byskyttelse" (Animal Welfare), found a visibly weary beaver lying in the grass: "Catching him was quite simple."

Unanticipated Visitor at the Western Coast

While beavers have made a comeback in several areas, this particular arrival stirred up animal rescuers. On the island of Falster, no beavers had been reported for over a thousand years. In Denmark, these rodents are more frequently seen in Jutland and the North Sea region. Experts believe it's highly improbable for a beaver to have traveled from there to Nykøbing.

Völlig erschöpft wurde das Tier in einem Park in Nykøbing Falster gefunden

The Danes speculate that the beaver could have swum all the way from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, a German state. Biologist Peter Gravlund Nielsen weighs in: "There are wild beavers in Germany, and it's not entirely preposterous for this beaver to have swum to Falster. That could explain why it seemed so drained and fatigued."

The aquatic trek would've spanned some 50 kilometers, followed by 25 more kilometers of land travel from Gedser to Nykøbing. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency deems this the first instance of a naturally migrating beaver in 2500 years.

Neugierig schaut der Touristen-Biber nach dem Einfangen durch die Käfig-Gitter

The robust, 16.5-kilogram beaver will receive special care at the Silkeborg Aqua Aquarium & Dyrepark before being released back into the wild. Medical professionals plan to collect a DNA sample to affirm the beaver's true origins with confidence.

Whatever the case may be, "deportation" isn't in the cards for this rodent. It's on its way to becoming a Danish citizen.

Ein DNA-Test soll nun zeigen, ob der Biber wirklich aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern stammt

Around four decades back, beavers were reintroduced to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - a state that had previously believed its beaver population to be extinct. Currently, there are estimates of around 4500 beavers in this region.

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