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Beat aims to overcome cancer

Stick out your tongue playfully, Beat (5), while getting captured on camera. Your visage radiates joy and ease, despite grappling with a life-endangering ailment. Your chances of recovery hinge on your benefactors' assistance.

Although Beat (5) is seriously ill, he is still a happy boy who longs to go to the fun pool, which...
Although Beat (5) is seriously ill, he is still a happy boy who longs to go to the fun pool, which he is not allowed to do at the moment

Emergency personnel needed - Beat aims to overcome cancer

A child from Sulingen (Lower Saxony) was supposed to be attending kindergarten, enjoying playtime with friends, and utilizing his time with siblings Mirja (7) and Hannah (9). However, Beat has leukemia. Once more.

Beat's Struggle Against Leukemia

This struggle started near the end of 2022, when he kept getting sick with numerous infections and always felt exhausted and frail. Then, out of the blue, the family got the diagnosis of leukemia.

Rigorous chemotherapy treatments followed, and the little boy was forced to spend a large part of his time in the hospital. After months of immense anxiety, it seemed that the worst had passed. But then came the following heartbreaking revelation.

Family Worried: Beat's Sister has Bone Cancer

Beat's eldest sister Hannah fractured her left thighbone. An X-ray revealed not only the fracture, but also a suspicious spot. Further efforts to discern the issue led to the horrifying news for the family: Hannah also has bone cancer. Parents Christin and Mario experienced many hardships in an attempt to balance their time for both children. Board games were their new preferred pastime.

By the end of 2023, the family felt a touch of hope. Both children were doing better.

In January, Beat was allowed to return to kindergarten. He adores playing in the sandbox and finally has the opportunity to live like a regular little boy once again. And, thankfully, his sister could go back to school as well.

During maintenance therapy though, Beat begun experiencing eye-strain. His sight was also deteriorating. Examinations confirmed an inflammation of the optic nerve and meninges. These inflammations were caused by leukemia cells. The cancer had returned.

Allow Yourself to be Enlisted

Now, Beat needs your help. Thanks to his genetic twin and a stem cell donation, Beat has the opportunity to fully recover from his condition.

On Sunday, June 2, 2024, registration will take place at the Clinic Sulingen between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

When? Sunday, June 2, 2024, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Where? Clinic Sulingen, Schmelingstraße 47, 27232 Sulingen

The family wants many individuals to register, as it is highly likely a suitable donor will be found for Beat.

Father Mario states, "Sometimes, it can be as easy as saving someone's life. Beat still has a life filled with dreams. If he becomes better, he yearns to visit a water park, but that's not possible for now due to the catheter he wears."

Hannah lovingly takes her little brother Beat in her arms. Both children have cancer

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