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Bank Employees Wrongly Steal Money from Elderly Woman

On May 30, 2024, two impostors pretending to work for the bank robbed a 96-year-old woman in Mainz-Mombach, Germany.

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Mainz-Mombach: a location with unknown details. - Bank Employees Wrongly Steal Money from Elderly Woman

At around 5:30 in the evening, a stranger ringing at the door of a 96-year-old woman in Pestalozzistraße claimed to be a bank employee. He chatted with the senior and successfully entered her apartment. Shortly after, another man showed up in the residence. After staying for a few minutes, both men exited the apartment. It was then that the elderly woman noticed her money pouch containing several hundred euros was missing.

The search for the two culprits failed. According to the senior, the men were described as: 1. Person: a male around 40-50 years old, standing at around 175 cm tall, with short dark blond hair, muscular, wearing long dark pants, a dark T-shirt, and dark shoes. 2. Person: a male approximately 30 years old, standing at about 185 cm tall, dark hair, slim, wearing long dark pants, a dark T-shirt, and dark shoes.

Anyone with relevant information is requested to contact the Mainz Police Station 2 at the phone number 06131/65-4210 or via email at [email protected]. The Mainz Police Headquarters' advice center also offers free guidance on burglary prevention, scam patterns, and more. They can be reached at 06131 65-3390 or via email at [email protected].

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