Incident occurs at Schiphol Airport - Authorities struggle to determine identities of those affected by turbine incident.
Witnesses to a shocking occurrence at Schiphol Airport described the scene as a nightmare. During a pushback, the KLM aircraft appeared to encounter a tragic event. The exact details remain unclear, but the military police in the Netherlands plan to investigate to determine what happened.
People nearby reported a terrifying noise and thick smoke emanating from the plane. The Embraer E190 was all set to fly to Billund, Denmark, with 80 passengers and crew members aboard.
The incident happened when the plane was moved back onto the runway for takeoff preparations. There's speculation that it may have involved an airport employee.
Dutch labor officials have launched an inquiry to confirm if the deceased individual was a worker at the airport. Realizing the possibility of a work-related accident, authorities have decided to initiate a criminal investigation if it checks out.
Contrary to earlier reports, a reliable source informed the Dutch media that the person in question was not an employee or an intern. The surrounding area was sealed off, and several people were called in for questioning.
Approximately 80 individuals were interviewed by the authorities, with some identified as crucial witnesses.
To accommodate those affected by the incident, a new team took over flying duties, enabling the replacement plane to carry on the intended flight. The unfortunate turn of events impacted the scheduled crew.

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