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Authorities search for the disappeared 32-year-old Sascha.

Around 1:30 PM on Whit Sunday, Sascha H., aged 32, departed from his residence in the eastern portion of Karlsruhe.

Sascha H. is about 170-175 centimeters tall and of strong build. He has long, dark blond hair, blue...
Sascha H. is about 170-175 centimeters tall and of strong build. He has long, dark blond hair, blue eyes and wears glasses. He was last seen wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt and dark headgear

Gone Missing on Whitsunday - Authorities search for the disappeared 32-year-old Sascha.

The vanished youth, Sascha H., is approximately 5'7" to 5'9" in height and has a sturdy build. His long, lustrous, blonde-tinted hair and cobalt blue eyes are covered by glasses. The last time he was spotted, he was dressed in a gray hoodie, dark pants, and headgear. He primarily speaks High German.

Remarks from the police

They strongly suspect that Sascha H. could be in a severe psychological crisis, making it essential to consider if he might harm himself.

If you have encountered Sascha H. or have any details regarding his whereabouts, the Criminal Investigation Department of the Karlsruhe police requires your assistance. Call them at 0721 666 5555.

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