Gunnar Schupelius expresses his fury - Authorities issue caution towards antagonists of Tesla.
On the 11th of May, a group of individuals from all over Germany, sharing similar views, converged upon the Tesla site. Their objective was to forcefully gain entry and confront the authorities.
The German administration suspects that the campaign against Tesla is being infiltrated by extremists on the left who wish to challenge the state and hold little regard for climate change. This was shared by Markus Fedscher, the Federal Interior Minister, during a question raised by the AfD in the Bundestag.
According to his response, these leftist extremists "... are attempting to radicalize social protest and delegitimize the state and its institutions."
The left-wing extremists are characterized as "violence-oriented" and are seeking to introduce militant protests within the climate movement. Two organizations mentioned as part of this infiltration are "Ums Ganze" and the "Interventionist Left," an appendage of the Left Party.
Supporters of both these groups have reportedly been active in the protest site in Grünheide, as well as "individuals" inclined towards criminal acts, in the past. Three years ago, a significant amount of violence erupted, involving protestors and the police, during an anti-highway expansion demonstration in the Dannenröder Forest of Hesse.
With this in mind, it is likely that the protests against Tesla will continue to become violent and provide a breeding ground for those who reject democracy.
Still, the judges from the Berlin-Brandenburg Higher Administrative Court ruled on the eve of Whit Sunday that these individuals can remain in the forest camp. The police had requested the evacuation of the camp and the demolition of the tree houses, but the judges denied their request. They argued that the police headquarters failed to present a valid justification for their security concerns.
Contrary to their ruling, the protestors were even permitted to expand their camp by one hectare and add five more tree houses, raising their total to 20.
These judges should not be recuperated, but there's an inclination that they either possessed a prejudiced disposition or had a limited understanding of the situation at hand. Their judgment does not acknowledge the violence that has previously occurred or the federal government's evaluation.
They label the left-wing extremists' forest camp as an "assembly zone." Those who use such language clearly haven't grasped or willfully neglect the severity of the situation.
Do you think Gunnar Schupelius is correct? Express your opinions by writing to [email protected]

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