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Authorities intercept a vehicle transporting four individuals and narcotics.

Highway police in Gau-Bickelheim apprehend a French vehicle carrying four young males during Pentecost Sunday.

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Gau-Bickelheim on A61 - Authorities intercept a vehicle transporting four individuals and narcotics.

A 21-year-old driver was thought to be driving high on drugs, which was eventually confirmed by a quick test. The two guys in the back, aged 21 and 18, claimed they were from Amsterdam and had bought the drugs there. They gave up a small amount of drugs and more were found during the search of the vehicle and its occupants.

One of the passengers claimed to have lost his ID, but when his stuff was searched, the document was found in his wallet. Since he had provided fake personal details before, a misdemeanor charge was filed against the 23-year-old.

The driver was taken to the police station, where a doctor drew his blood. Misdemeanor charges were also pursued against him for driving under the influence of drugs. He paid a security deposit and was let go by the cops. The two guys in the back seat were charged for breaking the Narcotics Act and the drugs were taken. Since neither of them were allowed to keep driving the vehicle, they hitchhiked some rides from two friends.

Note: This story uses official information from the authorities and was rewritten using KI's assistance.

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