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Authorities apprehend illicit traders using the lemon scam.

An international drug trafficking ring that smuggled large amounts of cannabis from Spain to Germany concealed in lemons has been dismantled by authorities.

Spanish special forces take away one of the drug lords
Spanish special forces take away one of the drug lords

German drug barons SEISER - Authorities apprehend illicit traders using the lemon scam.

In an operation, 21 houses in Wiesbaden, St. Augustin (NRW) and Munich, as well as 13 apartments in Marbella and surrounding areas, were searched. The Spanish Policia Nacional revealed that links were found between the organization and prominent members of the Hells Angels - both German and Spanish - as well as Albanians and Bulgarians, who all had a history of drug trafficking. Officers identified 21 suspects aged 22 to 45, who allegedly made millions from these drug shipments.

This investigation started after the French police seized 380,000 euros at the Spanish border in December 2022. This led to raids in Marbella and Germany.

German drug lords had Colombian bodyguards

Investigators found tons of hashish and marijuana under these lemons in Bischofsheim

The Spanish authorities now explain that the network's leaders - two Germans of Iranian and Moroccan origin - operated a restaurant in Puerto Banus, where they held meetings with other drug traffickers. These leaders were guarded by armed Colombians whose job was to protect them. In case of attacks or attempts to steal their goods from other criminal organizations.

The first raids took place in June 2023 in Baden-Württemberg: Police officers found 30 kilograms of weed in lemon crates, which were meant for a company in Wiesbaden. During the investigation, they also intercepted a 40-kilo shipment and arrested two suspects aged 49 and 47. Evidence of a warehouse in Bischofsheim (Hesse) was also found.

A service dog guards a ton of cannabis that was seized in Bischofsheim

A hundredweight of fabric and a Hells Angels robe

Investigators made a significant discovery - they seized about 320 kilograms of hashish and 540 kilograms of marijuana in Bischofsheim. Most of the drugs were hidden under pallets filled with lemons. In addition, three other men were arrested. Further searches led the police to find 130 kilograms of marijuana, 20 kilograms of hashish, and a Hell's Angels robe.

A Spanish police officer retrieves a Glock pistol from a suspect's Ikea shoe cabinet

An extremely violent gang

The Federal Criminal Police Office has said that "this group showed an extraordinarily high potential for violence. They engaged in extremely violent activities such as arson attacks, attempted homicides, extortion, and kidnapping."

A masked police officer counts cash seized in Marbella. A total of 180,000 euros was confiscated during the raid

During the raid, the police confiscated 180,000 euros, seven firearms, ammunition of various calibers, and 30 kilograms of marijuana.

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