Wonder why ... - Augustiner innkeeper ordered to take down promotions.
The owner of "Drei Mühlen" pub in Munich's slaughterhouse district has been facing issues with authorities that won't let up. The pub made headlines in the prestigious "New York Times," and is considered a must-visit for tourists in less than 36 hours in Munich.
A cause for celebration? Not with the constant setbacks. The fence around the beer garden will remain nameless this year because Kagermaier had to remove it, as it exceeded the allowed size of one square meter. Anything larger requires a building permit, costing money and time.
About 800 euros spent on a painter—gone to waste.
The struggles with the city administration of Munich started in 2023. During the pandemic years, "Schanigärten" became popular. These are areas temporarily enclosed by wood on the street.

Kagermaier shares, "We had everything professionally built on 80 square meters. But since this year, it's only 39.9 square meters." From 40 square meters on, a building permit is necessary. More expenses and a prolonged process follow.
Kagermaier says, "It's not so bad for car drivers, the street is one-way. We only had to temporarily relocate a few parking spots during the summer months." There's still more stress, though. During a district inspection in the city center, it was discovered that the beer garden wasn't properly signposted. Kagermaier must now install a signpost on both sides—even though it's a one-way street. Failing to do so could lead to fines.

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Source: symclub.org