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At Fulda University of Applied Sciences, an older structure remains shut down.

Last week, flaws in the ceiling were spotted during early examinations for a renovation. Issues like these are not uncommon in Hesse.

Students in a lecture hall.
Students in a lecture hall.

Educational Institutions Really smart people learn there. - At Fulda University of Applied Sciences, an older structure remains shut down.

An announcement on Tuesday revealed that the Fulda University building, currently shuttered for safety precautions, still cannot be accessed by the public. The issue stems from the roof structure and sections of the ceiling beams being excessively burdened. To complete further inspections, these areas will be reinforced. Fortunately, there's no immediate risk of the building collapsing.

Upon discovery of these defects last week during an examination for a proposed renovation plan, the building formerly known as 45 was shut down on Thursday. It previously housed sports facilities and offices. The proposed plan was to transform the building into a "self-study center" where students would be able to study outside of their courses. The conversion was set to start in spring 2025, and initial costs were approximated to be 3.75 million euros. However, the full impact of the defects on the budget remains unknown. The university representative noted that this structure dates back to when the location served as a cavalry barracks.

In similar incidents, a lecture hall at Justus Liebig University in Giessen closed three months ago for safety reasons due to ceiling damage. At the beginning of December, a lecture hall at Marburg's Philipps University experienced a ceiling collapse. No one was harmed, and no one was inside at the time.

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