Attack with a knife in Mannheim. - Assistants hurried to the market to stop the bleeding.
In just a span of 23 seconds, the marketplace in Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg transformed into a scene of chaos and bloodshed - from the start of the knife attack on Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger (59) to the moment when a police officer shot the assailant, halting the attack.
A live video from the citizen movement Pax Europa (BPE) not only captured the frightening incident, but also the frantic efforts of bystanders to save the injured.
The assailant, identified as the 25-year-old Afghan Sulaiman A., crumpled to the ground after being shot. Within seconds, three police officers, including the one who discharged the fatal bullet, rushed to his side. They flipped him over and began tending to him.
Meanwhile, just a few meters away, three policewomen attended to their injured comrade. Despite her injuries, the young officer was able to rise to her feet. However, she appeared in a state of shock and was hesitant to accept their assistance. An older police officer had to urge, "Lie down!" and "Sit down here, man!" Eventually, her colleagues managed to lay the larger victim down.
Doctors later confirmed that the police officer suffered from multiple stab wounds to the head, and they struggled to save his life during a lengthy operation.
Stürzenberger slumped under a poster for his event, with a female employee in a black blouse kneeling beside him. His eyeglasses were gone, and his jeans bore a large slash where the knife had lodged in his leg. Another officer carefully belted his bleeding leg.

The Islam critic appeared calm and responsive, as his colleague Stefanie Kizina stated, "He was hit in the leg and in the face; he'll be operated on. There seems to be no threat to his life."
Anticipating danger, two other men lay on the ground. Before the altercation, a policewoman had subdued a man in a blue jacket and handcuffed him. She had to kneel on him. Earlier in the video, it was evident that he tried to assist, making the fateful decision to dispose of the knife after the shot.
Another man, with blood streaming down his arm, was held by two police officers, appearing to have also engaged in the struggle against the attacker during the melee.
The attacker lay motionless on the ground, his arms splayed out where the police bullet had struck him. His green T-shirt was lifted, and he was bleeding profusely. A policeman knelt beside him, placing both hands on the stomach of the thick-bearded man. It was this officer who delivered the bullet that ended his violent rampage.