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Artist laments the passing of "The Hot Micha"

The Ballermann experiences grief.

"Hot Micha" had fun in life, sometimes even drove for the
"Hot Micha" had fun in life, sometimes even drove for the

The renowned Ballermann figure passes away at 66 years old. - Artist laments the passing of "The Hot Micha"

Michael Piontek, famously known as "Hot Micha," passed away at the age of 66. Born in Salzburg, he moved to Playa de Palma in 2007, having spent years in the Rhineland. He was the creator of Spain's sole German driving school on this popular party mile.

Beyond running the driving school, Piontek was an essential figure in the lives of Ballermann celebrities like Lorenz Büffel (44), TimToupet (52), and Oli P. (45). He chauffeured them to their performances, handled the background details, carried out janitorial tasks for them, and was seen as the "go-to guy" in various situations.

Büffel dedicated a party song to him in 2000 and collaborated with Honk! Now, he posted an emotional tribute on the internet. "The experiences I've had with you! The fact that you'll never again open the front door and say with your warm tone, 'You nursing case, how are you?' My Micha, my heart is broken!"

Michael Piontek (right) in 2014 with Malle star Jens Büchner, who died four years later

Büffel added, "One more time to share your legendary pasta salad with you! And as usual, a Spezi mixed with water, please! I love you and will miss you forever! Watch over us from above!"

The reason behind Piontek's death remains unknown. Some of his acquaintances speculate that he might have had cancer. He was also recently reported to have undergone surgery, but there hasn't been an official confirmation.

Lorenz Büffel (r.) and Piontek were close friends

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