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Around 2,348 individuals obtained a German passport.

The increase in the number of Syrian citizens naturalizing in Saarland has persisted, with 1526 individuals becoming citizens last year, accounting for 65% of the total. This has remained the largest group for two consecutive years.

In Saarland, a total of 2346 foreign nationals were granted German citizenship in 2023
In Saarland, a total of 2346 foreign nationals were granted German citizenship in 2023

The largest group originates from Syria. - Around 2,348 individuals obtained a German passport.

In 2023, the percentage of people granted German citizenship in Saarland rose by 38.6% from the previous year. There were a total of 2348 individuals who received the nationality, including 941 females. This is 654 more individuals than in 2022.

The State Statistical Office noted that 2348 foreigners, including 941 women, successfully acquired German citizenship in Saarland during that time. Compared to 2022, this represents a sizeable increase.

After Syria (1694), the countries of origin with the most naturalizations are Italy (102 individuals), Turkey (78), Romania (59), and Iraq (53).

It's noteworthy that the number of Syrian citizens obtaining German citizenship has been steadily increasing. According to the State Statistical Office, the continuous, notable rise in citizenship for Syrians can be attributed to the ongoing civil war. There was a constant flow of Syrian citizens into the region since 2015, and they have been gradually fulfilling the necessary requirements for naturalization.

Compared to 2020, the number of Syrians who came to Saarland increased from 79 in 2020 to 113 in 2021 and 811 in 2022. This figure almost doubled in 2023.

Of the newly naturalized citizens, 18.5% (434 people) hailed from Europe, 73% (1,715 people) were from Asia, 4% (93 people) had African citizenship, 1.2% (28 people) held American citizenship, and 3.3% (78 people) were stateless.

30.4% (714 people) of the new naturalized citizens were below the age of 18, 57.6% (1353 people) were between 18 and 45 years old, 9.76% (229 people) were between 45 and 59 years old, and 2.2% (52 people) were 60 years or older.

From all regions, Saarbrücken's regional association had the most number of naturalized citizens at 903, whereas St. Wendel had the fewest with 113.

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