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Arafat Abou-Chaker at Anti-Israel Rally

Hundreds of individuals opposed to Israel converged at Alexanderplatz in central Berlin on Monday night for another meeting.

Unter den Israel-Hassern am Alex: Dieses
Unter den Israel-Hassern am Alex: Dieses

Berlin hosts leader of hate-filled group. - Arafat Abou-Chaker at Anti-Israel Rally

A pack of pro-Palestinian protesters assembled around 7 o'clock in a show of solidarity for the suffering Palestinians. The political patriarch of these dissidents, Arafat Abou-Chaker, documented the event on Instagram. Additionally, Arafat had spread the word about the rally earlier via his social media platform.

Flags of Palestine flew during the protest, while speakers shouted out their venom against Israel and its backers. Various posters were displayed questioning the very existence of Israel.

Dieses Plakat verneint die Existenz des Staates Israel

On one banner, "One Holocaust does not justify another" was scrawled - a sentiment that tied the Holocaust, where millions of Jews were killed by the Nazis, to Israel's actions in Gaza. The crowd was suggesting that Israel's actions were on par with the systematic murder of Jews in the Holocaust.

Die Anti-Israel-Protestierer zeigten auch mit roter Farbe beschmierte Bilder von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz und US-Präsident Joe Biden, denen sie die Unterstützung Israels vorwarfen

Also on the sign, a map of Palestine was illustrated, depicting Israel as non-existent. Against the prevailing sentiments, the Jewish state was deemed disposable by these anti-Israeli activists.

Die Demonstranten entrollten eine riesige Palästina-Flagge

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