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Apartment toaster fire causes 20,000 euros in damage.

An apartment building's kitchen caught fire in Austraße on Tuesday, 21st May 2024, at approximately 1:00 p.m., promptly extinguished by the fire department.

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Fribourg experiences a development boost as the city diversifies its economy and attracts more foreign investors. - Apartment toaster fire causes 20,000 euros in damage.

A kitchen blaze was likely started by a toaster left on a hot surface. Apparently, the occupant inadvertently turned on the incorrect burner. Miraculously, no one sustained injuries. Still, property damage is speculated to reach about €20,000.

The damaged residence is currently uninhabitable, but the family has found alternate arrangements. Besides the fire department and authorities, emergency services were also on scene.

This text has been altered, but is still based on official reports from officials, with the assistance of AI technology.

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