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Ants in a panic trigger power failures

Invasive ants are small in size and various in number, but they can be destructive.

"Tapinoma magnum" is the name of the invasive ant species that is now also becoming a plague in...
"Tapinoma magnum" is the name of the invasive ant species that is now also becoming a plague in Germany

City alerts sound for first time. - Ants in a panic trigger power failures

In the city of Kehl, Germany, the alarm bells have sounded due to an alarming increase in the population of the "Tapinoma magnum" insect species. This particular ant has caused problems for the city since autumn, spreading to several districts and even disrupting power and internet services.

For several months, the city has been desperately trying to deal with the issue on its website. Despite using maize-containing foam to treat the ants five times, they have continued to grow at an explosive rate. One pest control worker even stated, "I've never seen anything like this before."

Reports of "dark gray ant streets" and "black ant knots" can be found on the city's website. These clever pests are not just causing havoc on the streets, but are also breaking into gutters, homes, and even power distribution boxes. Kehl's environmental officer, Gregor Koschate, commented that there hasn't been anything that works effectively against this invasive ant species.

Thousands of ants also populated distribution boxes in Kehl, causing power and internet outages

As a result, the mayor of Kehl is requesting assistance from the state environmental ministry. Wolfram Britz believes it's essential to gather representatives from research, business, and politics to develop a coordinated and consistent plan to tackle this problem as soon as possible.

The cost of resolving this ant infestation is also a major concern. The extermination of just one supercolony could cost the city a whopping 50,000 euros per week.

Affected areas in Kehl have already been combated several times with hot foam - to no avail. The ants continued to spread explosively

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