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Anton's children feel let down by their vacation.

When a fire occurs at VfB Stuttgart, captain Waldemar Anton (27) takes charge. Could he do the same at the DFB?

He gives his all - for VfB Stuttgart and for the DFB: captain and defensive boss Waldemar Anton...
He gives his all - for VfB Stuttgart and for the DFB: captain and defensive boss Waldemar Anton (27/

Designated chief defender received appointment - Anton's children feel let down by their vacation.

Waldi was one of the last ones to learn about being nominated for the European Championship. Did he feel anxious about not making it? Anton: "I wasn't concerned because I'm self-assured and aware that I've played well throughout the season. That's what will truly matter in the end."

As the defensive leader for VfB, Anton has earned a spot at the European Championships. His family also trusts in his abilities.

Anton: "My spouse and children were a bit upset initially due to a reduced vacation time. However, that passed swiftly since we're a soccer-loving family in which everyone is highly supportive. They were thrilled and plan to attend every match."

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