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An ex-NBA player is now behind bars.

Glen "Big Baby" Davis, a previous NBA athlete, will serve time in jail.

Following a deceptive swindle. - An ex-NBA player is now behind bars.

Davis got caught trying to swindle millions more...

Jailed for 40 months, a New York judge handed down his sentence to Davis on Thursday. He'll also be on probation for an additional three years, and ordered to pay a hefty $80,000.

Davis' probation conditions include attending a financial management class and undergoing drug rehab – mandatory in the US.

His crime? Participating in a large-scale fraud scheme alongside over 20 others.

Their ploy? Fake invoices were submitted to the NBA's pension fund through doctors and dentists complicit in the scam, raking in over $5 million.

Davis submitted $132,000 worth of claims, including one for $27,200 in dental work he supposedly had done at a Beverly Hills practice on October 2, 2018.

This was a bald-faced lie, and investigators discovered it by tracking his cell phone. Davis was actually in Las Vegas that day and flew to Paris later.

Davis' lawyer, Sabrina Shroff, remained tight-lipped about the conviction. Unlike Davis, Williams, the group's ringleader and another former NBA player, got off easy with just 40 months. He could've faced up to 20 years.

Davis helped the Celtics win the championship in 2008 before moving on to play for the Orlando Magic and LA Clippers.

The group head, Terrance Williams, got 10 years in prison. Some names were revealed by Williams, and therefore, he received a relief on his sentence. Will Bynum, another former NBA pro, received an 18-month sentence a month ago. The shady dentist will spend three years behind bars.

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