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An enraged grizzly bear almost attacked a 35-year-old American war veteran.

U.S. veteran Shayne Patrick (35) instinctively lay flat on his stomach, covering his neck with his arms, as he endured a vicious bear attack in a Wyoming forest.

Shayne Patrick wurde bei einem
Shayne Patrick wurde bei einem

He had a desire to take a picture of an owl. - An enraged grizzly bear almost attacked a 35-year-old American war veteran.

Last week, Patrick's intention was to capture a photo of an owl, sharing it on Instagram. But his training as a former soldier fortune teller made him sense something off balance.

He quickly took steps to dissuade a potential threat and run them off. Patrick: "I snapped tree limbs, sang, spoke loudly to myself."

Der Veteran aus den

His intuition didn't deceive him: Soon, he met with an enraged mama bear. And this furious mama bear was not amused by his distraction tactics, charging at the "intruder."

Patrick trug schwere Verletzungen davon

Patrick realized he'd stumbled upon her young one - and you know, bears don't really dig your sense of humor. He caught sight of the bear cub just a couple of meters away on a hill. Before he even knew it, the grizzly mother had already attacked him.

Der Wanderer versorgte sich selbst und wählte den Notruf

With shocking power, the bear charged at the guy, who instinctively dived headfirst onto the ground. The bear raked her ferocious claws across his shoulder, latched on to his leg, and tossed him around - until a can of bear spray intervened and salvaged his life.

Auch am Kopf erlitt Patrick Verletzungen. Die Bärin hatte offenbar versucht, ihm einen tödlichen Biss in den Hals zu versetzen

Patrick told the "New York Post": "I'm guessing she wanted to deliver a lethal bite to my neck." But in the course of action, "she bit me in the palm of my hand, at the base of my neck, and simultaneously in the bear spray can, which exploded inside her mouth." Only then did the beast release him and bug out.

Because of his grave injuries and significant blood loss, the hiker even recorded a goodbye video. Patrick further: "In this instant, on this tiny hill, I came to terms with the idea that death might be on her way." But he had called for assistance, and a rescue helicopter arrived promptly to transport him to the hospital.

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