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An eight and ten-year-old child were struck by a bicycle.

Two children's bicycles are found in ruins on a road in Gevelsberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, after a car driver failed to notice them while turning on Saturday afternoon. The impact caused injuries to both kids, aged 8 and 10.

The two children's bicycles are lying on the road. A driver from Gevelsberg hit the boys on...
The two children's bicycles are lying on the road. A driver from Gevelsberg hit the boys on Saturday afternoon

The driver failed to notice the boys. - An eight and ten-year-old child were struck by a bicycle.

A young man (21) was driving down the road when he caught sight of a few kids riding bikes and scooters on the sidewalk.

In an instant, there was a collision - two of the kids were thrown off their bicycles and landed on the ground.

Emergency response

Police officers secure evidence at the driveway where the accident happened

Immediately, a slew of emergency personnel rushed to the scene. A rescue helicopter even touched down. An emergency doctor examined the injured children. While the 8-year-old boy had only minor injuries, the 10-year-old suffered serious wounds, despite wearing a bike helmet.

Both children were transported to the hospital by ambulance. The car driver was left shaken. The police are currently looking into the incident.

A rescue helicopter landed at the scene of the accident - brought an emergency doctor

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