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An anesthesiologist faces trial: A four-year-old girl was fatally injected.

In the high-end dental practice of Kronberg im Taunus, her stunning smile may have been ruined due to an anesthetic containing harmful bacteria.

Because Emilia (4) had broken a tooth while playing, she had to go to Kronberg im Taunus for...
Because Emilia (4) had broken a tooth while playing, she had to go to Kronberg im Taunus for treatment. The practice, which describes itself as particularly child-friendly, booked the anaesthetist Dr. W. from southern Hesse

Twenty-four individuals called to testify - An anesthesiologist faces trial: A four-year-old girl was fatally injected.

The Frankfurt Court is seeking retribution for the young girl's death! Beginning August 19th, the suspect anesthesiologist, Dr. W. (60), will be put on trial.

This trial is predicted to be huge, with many shocking details from the tragic night in the doctor's office in Kronberg, Germany (the third wealthiest municipality) emerging. A 50-page indictment and over two dozen witnesses are expected. This case concerns Emilia's (4) death and the injuries of four other children, some of whom endured complications after anesthesia and others suffered long-term damages.

"The tooth dozes off with sleep medicine"

This is the gist of the situation: Dr. W. was hired by the reputable Kronberg practice of Dr. B. for a group anesthetic on September 28th, 2021. The practice advertises anxiety-free treatments ("sleep medicine") specifically for children. Emilia (4) and three other children were anesthetized that day.

However, it is alleged that Dr. W. prepared the anesthetic improperly. Emilia passed away, while three other children were severely harmed. Recent news has also revealed a separate case of contaminated anesthetic at the same practice, also conducted by Dr. W.

The grave of Emilia (4)

In the midst of it all were the frantic parents, desperate for their children's lives. Emilia passed away during the night of September 30th.

The investigations against the Kronberg dentists responsible for treating the anesthetized girl have been dismissed. The victims' families are bewildered and hope that the case will be reopened due to the harrowing testimony shared at the trial.

Emilia visited Kronberg for treatment after breaking a tooth and never awoke from the anesthetic. The family is devastated by the loss of their happy little girl.

The girl was fatally anesthetized in this Kronberg dental practice. Three other children were seriously injured on the evening of September 28/29, 2021

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