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An 11-year-old boy suffered racial abuse and physical assault on a bus.

The incident is shocking: In Berlin-Kreuzberg, an 11-year-old was verbally abused and viciously assaulted by his peers. The terrified child escaped, only to dart in front of a moving vehicle.

The boy (11) fled from the bus at this bus stop in Berlin-Kreuzberg, ran into the street in panic -...
The boy (11) fled from the bus at this bus stop in Berlin-Kreuzberg, ran into the street in panic - where he was hit by a car

The youngest offender was just 8 years old. - An 11-year-old boy suffered racial abuse and physical assault on a bus.

On a Tuesday afternoon, an unsettling event took place on a bus. A boy from Eritrea was helplessly targeted by a group of six teens due to his skin color. The attackers, who happened to be around the same age, mercilessly assaulted the child.

In a panic, the 11-year-old made a mad dash for the bus stop. He couldn't escape soon enough and ran out into the street. However, a car driver (35) failed to slow down fast enough and collided with the little boy.

"The impact and fall resulted in head injuries for the child," informs a police spokesperson, "the victim was rushed to the hospital for inpatient treatment by the emergency services."

At the scene of the crash, other witnesses informed the officers about an eight-year-old boy who was said to be part of the group on the bus.

The boy was questioned and later handed over to his mother. The police are currently investigating the other members of the group and the circumstances around the accident.

As of now, the 11-year-old continues to receive medical care at a clinic.

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