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Ampel is planning an advertising campaign for the German passport.

The naturalization law of the traffic light coalition will commence on June 27th.

A German passport on a naturalization certificate. The traffic light wants to make naturalization...
A German passport on a naturalization certificate. The traffic light wants to make naturalization easier

Modified citizenship rules - Ampel is planning an advertising campaign for the German passport.

The goal is to "inform everyone eager to know about the necessities and methods for acquiring citizenship." Doing so is expected to help expedite the tasks of the responsible agencies.

To fulfill this goal, they've planned a website with vital information, alongside an instructional video. Furthermore, there will be pamphlets loaded with thorough details on citizenship and the process. Alabali-Radovan intends to address inquiries from interested individuals on social media ("Ask Me Anything"). People who have already been naturalized will share their experiences.

Earlier acquisition of German passports for foreigners

The coalition's new naturalization regulation was enacted in January. It allows foreigners to obtain a German passport after only 5 years, or even after 3 years in certain instances (previously waited for at least 8 years). This reform aims to attract more foreign skilled workers to Germany.

Despite its benefits, the law has been met with criticism. The CDU and CSU claim that the Ampel is selling Germany's citizenship passports. Additionally, the FDP initially opposed the bill, leading to a delay in its approval for several weeks in winter.

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