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American student plummets to fatal demise.

Two mishaps occur once more near the Königssee.

The dead student is taken away in a hearse
The dead student is taken away in a hearse

Near the Königssee - American student plummets to fatal demise.

On a Sunday (12 May, around noon), while hiking from St. Bartholomä to Funtensee, a person found an unresponsive individual about 50 meters off the trail in the Schrainbachholzstube area, which is a steep, open space.

★Since the individual didn't answer the hiker's calls, and it was impossible for the hiker to reach them, they made an emergency call.

An emergency doctor from the CH14 rescue helicopter from Traunstein and a mountain rescuer examined the man and confirmed he had died. Two alerted police mountain guides, alongside another mountain rescuer from the Berchtesgaden mountain rescue service, and the Edelweiss 4 police helicopter, took charge of the dead body's retrieval.

The accident's exact circumstances are still being investigated since, at the time of the body's discovery, there was no reported missing person, and the incident location lacked any path or climbing route, according to the police.

However, it's been established that the deceased is a 18-year-old American citizen who had been in Germany for several weeks to study.

The body arrived in the valley by helicopter

It's believed the man took a wrong path and entered the hazardous terrain, where there's no official hiking trail. Police are currently investigating this.

Female paraglider seriously injured

In the Berchtesgadener Land region of Upper Bavaria, a 28-year-old female paraglider experienced a severe injury while practicing. Not long after taking flight on Sunday afternoon, she was caught in a thermal updraft, causing her paraglider to soar straight up to the Kleiner Jenner ridge. Next, the glider tilted right, causing the woman to crash into the mountain's rock face below. A rescue helicopter transported her to the hospital.

Shortly after take-off on Sunday afternoon, this 28-year-old was caught in a thermal updraft with her aircraft

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