BILD's take on Cologne's relegation: - Allow the members to make the decision, Mr. Wolf.
"Together we succeed."
However, the question in 2024 is, who has emerged victorious, Mr. Wolf?
The FC certainly hasn't!
► The team is in tatters. Relegated for the seventh time. Conveniently, for the second period under Wolf's management. Regrouped, to be fair. But shattered and discarded by a CEO clueless about soccer and his finance and sports director, Christian Keller, who followed Wolf's orders with a stubbornness and resistance to advice that was unmatched, leading the team to ruin in quick succession and completely disintegrating it.
Let's look for a winner instead...
► It can't be the workers at Geißbockheim who were at the labor court during the time of mass layoffs!
► The players who've never been more desperate to leave than in spring 2024? Not at all. On the contrary! Wolf and Keller, with their no-room-for-error contracts, have ensured that the atmosphere at Geißbockheim has never been worse and the exodus of stars and talent has never been greater.
► So, it can't be the fans and members, whose animosity towards Wolf and Keller can't be higher and whose calls for a fresh start regarding personnel should be proof enough that they don't see themselves as winners...
Have Wolf and Keller considered what the fans, staff, and members want?
In Cologne 2024, after 5 years, 6 coaches, 7 managing directors or sports bosses, and the devastating relegation, there's only one winner: Wolf!

A president who, like the proverbial elephant, has transformed the Geißbockheim China store into a pile of shattered porcelain and now seems to have lost all connection with the ground, as well as respect from the members, committees, and fans.
There is no other way to comprehend Wolf's slogan, "We'll all stay in office - no matter what happens." Just like Keller's "threat to the future," who declared on the day of the relegation, "We are now embracing this situation and are preparing intensely for the next season."
Did the relegation administrators ever think about whether the fans, members, and employees want this at all? Of course not!
Because if they had the courage that Oliver Kahn once induced, they would step down - immediately! If they had an ounce of decency, they would at least call for a vote of confidence and an extraordinary general meeting.
The perfect time for personnel changes
Especially since the timing couldn't be better.
Let's face it: what would happen if the board and sports boss resigned tomorrow? Chaos? A vacuum in leadership? A lack of control? All potential threats!
On a financial level, managing director Philipp Türoff has kept the team afloat. The key decisions about the Geißbockheim future, stadium lease, second-division license, and budget have already been made. In addition, given the transfer ban, the team is almost setting itself up on its own. No one is needed to bring in new players. Those who can leave will leave. The rest must remain. The loan players will return. You don't require a sports director for that!
Take a deconstruction and let the members decide, Mr. Wolf - right now!

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