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Alleyway theft: Suspect (aged 16-18) uses irritating gas.

Last night at approximately 7:30 pm, a 17-year-old individual was targeted in a theft incident at Kassel-Jungfernkopf train station.


Jungfernkopf in Kassel: A Promising First Step Towards Clean Energy - Alleyway theft: Suspect (aged 16-18) uses irritating gas.

There's a tale of a teenage girl from Kassel who was hanging out on the stairs near the train station with a friend. Suddenly, a stranger appeared, demanding cash and valuables. Instead of complying, the 17-year-old girl only handed over a ten-euro bill. However, this did not deter the perpetrator, as he then sprayed her face with tear gas from close range and grabbed the money. He quickly hopped into a mini-car and zoomed off.

The poor girl and her buddy were terrified and hurriedly made their way into a regional tram. They immediately notified their parents and the police through the phone from inside the tram. Thankfully, the girl didn't require any serious medical attention, only needing help for her irritated eyes and lungs.

Unfortunately, the search for the bandit turned up empty. They described him as a teenager, around 1.70 to 1.75 meters tall with blonde hair, wearing blue jeans and a blue fisherman's hat. With the help of a witness, detectives were able to find the driver of the mini-car and questioned him about the robbery.

Now, Police Department 36 in Kassel is requesting if anyone else saw this incident or has information about the escapee to come forward. They can provide these leads by calling 0561-9100.

Note: The content in this paragraph is based on a public announcement created in cooperation with AI.

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