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Aleks Petrovic deceitfully escapes the game scenario.

At the Thai beach where reality stars gather, a sassy flirtation ensued during production on Wednesday, leading to some emotional outbursts beforehand.

Tears and confusion among the "Battle of the Reality Stars" contestants (from left: Calvin Kleinen,...
Tears and confusion among the "Battle of the Reality Stars" contestants (from left: Calvin Kleinen, Aleks Petrovic)

Emotional moments during the "Reality Stars Showdown" event - Aleks Petrovic deceitfully escapes the game scenario.

#### Chatting with Relatives - Not for Everyone

Celebrities are allowed to talk to their loved ones now. The condition: Each conversation lasts only three minutes, approximately sixteen seconds per KDRS star. The first callers are merciless, and Aleksandar Petrovic (34) learns this very quickly: "The allotted time has been used up." So frustrating!

Especially for Kevin Schäfer (34), Nina Anhan (33) from "Warrant Arrest," and the cabbage twins (58), the waiting time has been extremely long. Cecilia Asoro (27) can no longer speak to her boyfriend and cries uncontrollably: "Can't they spare just a second?" She is livid: "Some people are brain dead!"

The "Nominator" Who Decides the Fate of Others

Cecilia Asoro is - understandably - not in a good mood

Aleks can pick a game in the "CEO's Office" for himself. The prize, however, is more of a burden than a prize: He can secretly nominate four fellow contestants for "Battle of the Reality Stars." The others must not find out who selected them. Aleks chooses Christoph Oberheide (35), Kevin Schäfer, Cecilia Asoro, and Isi Glück (33).

The self-proclaimed "manly man" is furious: "That's really intense, putting on a poker face."

As expected, the other participants try to discover who the traitor is. Nina asks: "Who is the fake Fuffi among us?"

His victory is more of a curse than a blessing: Aleks doesn't have it easy as a

Aleks desperately tries to shift suspicion from him to others, making it seem as though Chris Manazidis (37) was the secret "Nominator" sometimes. Cecilia initially suspects and firmly believes that Aleks is lying. He attempts to convince her otherwise: "Would I risk causing a scandal?"

After another game, Christoph can pass on his nomination band - and immediately gives it to Aleks, putting him in a difficult position on the Starbox stage. Tears and despair flow from him: "I had to lie!"

During the "Hour of Truth," Aleks confesses: One after the other, he throws the nomination coin into the box, which means he has to leave the Star Beach.

Not so happy guessing with Nina and Calvin

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