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Albania abolishes 2018 gambling prohibition, legitimizes digital sports wagering

The Albanian Legislature elects to abolish the prohibition on sports wagering within the nation, subsequently permitting ten betting companies to obtain licenses.

Albanian legislature abolishes the prohibition on digital sports wagering within the nation,...
Albanian legislature abolishes the prohibition on digital sports wagering within the nation, preparing to issue licenses to a total of ten betting corporations in the times ahead.

Albania abolishes 2018 gambling prohibition, legitimizes digital sports wagering

The Albanian Legislature Lifts the 2018 Prohibition on Online Gambling

As reported by the news source BalkanInsight, online sports betting in Albania will now be permissible with licensed and overseen online gambling providers. Placing bets at brick-and-mortar betting establishments will remain forbidden. The controversy surrounding this repeal of the gambling ban has been strongly condemned by Rigels Xhemollari from the Tirana-based organization Qendresa Qytetare (Citizen Resistance):

Regrettably, 72 parliamentarians voted in favor of this today, a law that, as per Prime Minister Edi Rama's assessment, revives the influence of criminality on sports betting and the social tragedy of individuals struggling with addiction issues. Rigels Xhemollari, Qendresa Qytetare, BalkanInsight**

Albania Instigated a Ban on Sports Betting in 2018

Before the sports betting prohibition was enforced, the Albanian government grappled with the issue of illicit gambling within the country. In 2013, the parliament endeavored to curb the black market for gambling by launching the campaign "End of Madness." In 2015, further legislation was signed into law to tighten the betting market and shield players from unauthorized gambling operators.

At that time, engaging in illicit gambling in Albania attracted severe penalties, including imprisonment, for those involved in providing such services.

Upon the Socialist Party's urging, Albania implemented a complete prohibition on sports betting in 2018. The Albanian Parliament concurred in the opinion that criminal organizations exerted extensive influence over the gambling industry in the country.

Following the decision, the betting ban in Albania went into effect on January 1, 2019. However, casino operations continued to be legal. As a result of the parliamentary decision, online sports betting with state-licensed providers is expected to be authorized in the future.

Prime Minister Edi Rama Advocates for the Repeal of the Sports Betting Ban

In 2022, Prime Minister Edi Rama announced that it would be impossible to completely eradicate illicit gambling from the country. Instead, he proposed a strategy to manage gambling under state control and ensure greater safety:

This approach is also open to me because it is regrettable that this activity is conducted by individuals who disregard the law, and where individuals of high-ranking organized crime profiteer in an entirely unsuitable manner. Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania, BalkanInsight**

Sports betting enthusiasts in Albania can anticipate the selection of authorized online gambling providers in the country in the near future.

Despite Albania's ban on online sports betting in 2018, there's growing interest in legalizing online gambling in Germany. Many German residents have been turning to online casinos in Germany as alternatives.

In light of Albania's recent lifting of the online gambling prohibition, discussions about allowing German online casinos Germany have gained momentum, with proponents arguing for stricter regulations to prevent criminal involvement.

In the foreseeable future, ten licensed sports betting platforms will be permitted to provide online sports wagering services in Albania.

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