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EconomyNewsDresdenonstepsDistressAfDinKrahChemnitzParty eventwithAfD politicianMaximilian KrahTino Chrupalla

AFDEA member Krah attends gathering in Dresden.

The leading candidate for the European branch of the alternative for Germany (AfD) party, Maximilian Krah, is scheduled to make an appearance at the party's May gathering in Dresden. Tino Chrupalla, the party's national chief, intends to participate as well. The event, which is being dubbed a...

Krah mask at anti-AfD rally
Krah mask at anti-AfD rally

AFDEA member Krah attends gathering in Dresden.

MEP Krah has faced criticism recently due to allegations that a worker in his MEP office at the EU Parliament was spying for China. This situation prompted the AfD's national leadership to choose a different candidate for the European election campaign. Krah was not seen at the campaign kickoff event in Donaueschingen on Saturday.

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