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Accident on B3/K421 results in two people being hurt.

Two individuals sustained minor injuries in a car collision at the crossroads of the B3 federal highway and the 421 district road in Sudheim on Thursday.

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Sudheim: Rewritten - Accident on B3/K421 results in two people being hurt.

An elderly man aged 88 from Hardegsen was driving his Volkswagen on the K421, planning to turn left towards Nörten-Hardenberg. However, he misjudged the distance to a Ford on the left, resulting in a crash between the two vehicles. The Ford was being driven by a 70-year-old woman from Göttingen, who had a 46-year-old female passenger from Northeim with her. Both the Hardegser and the Northeimer sustained minor injuries and were taken to the hospital for medical attention. The collision caused around 10,000 euros in damages. The road needed to be shut down for the accident investigation and clearing of the road surface from 4:20 pm to 7:20 pm.

The information provided is from an official government report and was written with AI assistance.

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