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A woman tends to adorable kitten orphans.

Tears and hope at the shelter as tiny kittens, only ten days old, enter the Munich Animal Welfare Association's care, following a request for assistance from their distraught owner.

"Andrea" has four kittens herself. Now she looks after seven kittens
"Andrea" has four kittens herself. Now she looks after seven kittens

Drama involving animals ends positively. - A woman tends to adorable kitten orphans.

A mother cat got hit by a vehicle in Oberschleißheim recently and needed to be euthanized. Two female and one male British Shorthair Persian mix kittens were left without a mother.

However, fate had other plans for these little ones. About a month ago, a stray cat gave birth to kittens at the shelter, and they were born two weeks ago. The kind-hearted woman named "Andrea" decided to take in the three orphan kittens.

It was an instant connection for Andrea, and it's hard to tell which kittens are hers biologically and which are foster kittens. The large family of furry creatures will remain at the shelter for another two months or so.

When Andrea, who's seven years old, and her seven kittens find a new home, the babies will be divided into pairs or given to cat owners with similar age kittens. Interested individuals can get in touch with the Munich animal shelter's cat house from the end of June.


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