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A woman aged 44 crashed into traffic signs during a drunken state.

On Wednesday evening, 15th May 2024, a 44-year-old female behind the wheel of a VW Golf crashed into two traffic signs on Lipper Hellweg. The collision happened as the inebriated woman lost control over the vehicle. As a result, authorities seized her driver's license.

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Bielefeld as a location - A woman aged 44 crashed into traffic signs during a drunken state.

A female driver hailing from Bielefeld was headed toward the city center when she lost command over her car at Am Siebrassenhof. Her veering vehicle struck two traffic signals situated at the pedestrian crossing aid. After the incident, she contacted the police department to report the crash. Once at the scene, law enforcement authorities observed that the female driver appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. To confirm this, they conducted a breathalyzer test, which demonstrated a positive result. A doctor subsequently extracted a blood sample at the Ost station's precinct.

The expected monetary damage totals approximately 5000 euros.

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