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A true stalker referred to him as "reindeer baby."

Jessica Gunning portrays the chilling character of Martha in the popular Netflix film "Reindeer Baby." This narrative is based on real-life experiences. The actual Martha, known as Fiona Harvey, shares her story in her first-ever interview with TV host Piers Morgan.

In an interview with Piers Morgan, the real Martha, the model for the Netflix hit "Reindeer Baby",...
In an interview with Piers Morgan, the real Martha, the model for the Netflix hit "Reindeer Baby", now comes out in public

Netflix's thrilling series provides chills. - A true stalker referred to him as "reindeer baby."

In this case, she talks openly about her "poor" upbringing and other things. However, questions arise regarding the stalking accusations made by comedian Richard Gadd (34), the creator and star of the show.

Harvey denies following him for four years. Her supposedly risqué messages (over 41,000 emails and several tweets) were just "playful banter."

She contends, "(I) don't think I sent him anything. There were perhaps a few emails, playful banter, nothing more."

A few messages and a letter by mail? Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between...

Richard Gadd, who plays himself as Donny in the Netflix series

She hasn't seen the drama show (60 million views in the first month): "I haven't seen any of it." She furthers, "No, I think it would make me sick. It's already taken up enough space in my life. I think it's quite twisted. I think it's appalling, misogynistic."

Now, she even wants to file a lawsuit against him and Netflix.

In response to the rumor that he offered her a free cup of tea when she entered the pub where he worked, as portrayed in the series, she says, "No, that's not true."

Richard Gadd slimmed down for the Netflix role to look like a neurotic again at the height of his stalking nightmare. Here you can see him with Martha, played by Jessica Gunning

Regarding naming him "Reindeer Baby" in remembrance of one of her toys, Harvey confirms when asked by Piers Morgan, "I had a toy reindeer and it had its head shaved, that's right, and there were reindeer in the stores because it was Christmas time or something. It was a joke."

Did the actual Martha really sit at the bus stop for weeks?

Harvey denies Gadd ever spying on her through her window: "I didn't see him at my house. I think it would be impossible to look through a window. There's no way that happened."

Fiona Harvey claims to be the real Martha. In an exclusive interview with Scandal presenter Piers Morgan, she now tells her side of the story on YouTube

She denies episodes of jealousy, like the scene presented in the series where Martha waited for weeks at a bus stop for her stalking target. She says, "(N)o. Absolutely no. That's a fictional character. Exaggeration, exaggeration. It's a fiction. It's based on his imagination."

Fiona Harvey also claims that she never contacted his parents or spent time in prison. The real-life Martha insists, "I'm not a stalker. I haven't been to prison, I don't have any restraining orders or bans. That's just complete nonsense."

When asked if she has a message for Richard Gadd if he's watching, she asserts, "Please leave me alone. Get a life, get a proper job. I'm horrified by what you've done."

In the movie, Martha (Jessica Gunning) sits at a bus stop for weeks to ambush Donny (Richard Gadd). It's one of the weirdest scenes in the series

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