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A truck carrying building debris flips over.

On the afternoon of May 21, 2024, at around 3 p.m., a 74-year-old truck driver incurred minor injuries in an accident involving his vehicle carrying building debris. The incident took place on country road 159.

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L159 is set in Freiburg. - A truck carrying building debris flips over.

A gentleman was on his way from Waldshut to Detzeln when he somehow veered off the road. The vehicle initially brushed against a guardrail before plummeting down a slope around 100 meters ahead, landing with its right side facing upwards.

The driver, who had sustained minor injuries, was transported to the hospital for treatment. The extent of the property damage is still unclear, but it's believed to be substantial.

As part of the collision investigation and wreckage retrieval, one side of the highway had to be shut down. Besides the emergency services, the law enforcement and firefighters were also dispatched to the scene.

This account is sourced from official communication by the authorities, and this composition was aided by AI technology.

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