Obelix is not a greyhound in color. - A thin canine required drip feeding.
Obelix, who doesn't look like a greyhound despite his skinny frame, was actually in a dire situation. He almost starved to death when his owner left him at the Nordhausen Animal Shelter in Thuringia. Shelter manager Jennifer Schenk, 35, stated, "A young man appeared at the door and said his dog wouldn't eat."
The pitiful sight of the frail dog, that could barely stand on its paws because of its weakness, indicated that he was more dead than alive.
The irresponsible owner wasn't even questioned further, and Obelix was rushed to the emergency vet. There, the Dachshund-Rotweiler mix, who was extremely dehydrated yet towering, was checked and weighed only 34.6 kilograms. An average dog of his size should weigh around 50 kilograms.
Schenk said, "It was risky to feed him normally, so he was given IV feedings and injections to prevent circulatory collapse. It was uncertain if he'd make it."
Now, the seemingly traumatized and extremely anxious Obelix is eating again. He's expected to be up for adoption soon. Those who wish to help him earlier can donate to the Nordhausen Animal Shelter via the IBAN DE62 8205 4052 0033 0314 24, with the purpose being "Obelix".
The authorities are currently investigating the old owner.

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Source: symclub.org