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A team of rescuers managed to retrieve a horse from a 20-meter-deep hole using a pulley system.

Stunned by a devastating accident, a horse and its rider (39) ended up sliding about 20 meters into a ravine! Miraculously, the animal was saved the following day with the help of a winch. Despite the terrifying incident, the rider chose to spend the night with his equine companion in the woods.

Rescue after one night and six hours: The horse floated out of the gorge using a pulley block
Rescue after one night and six hours: The horse floated out of the gorge using a pulley block

Rider and beast fall into ravine. - A team of rescuers managed to retrieve a horse from a 20-meter-deep hole using a pulley system.

On Father's Day, a man took his horse for a ride in the forest near Gräfendorf-Weickersgrüben, Lower Franconia, in the evening. However, he chose to go down a treacherous path close to a ravine. The chestnut horse and rider suddenly started to slide and ended up falling into the stream at the bottom of the ravine.

Luckily, the man was fine and climbed out of the ravine and made his way to the nearest village for help. He returned with a team who, despite their efforts, couldn't manage to bring the horse back up. The man decided to spend the night in the forest with his horse, fortunately, it was a mild one.

The horse only had some minor scratches to its front leg from the fall.

The owner calms his horse. He had spent the night with him in the forest until the rescue operation could start the next morning

The rescue operation started the next morning at 8.30 am. About 60 firefighters, police, mountain rescue teams, a vet, and even a logging company arrived. The fire department said that a pulley block and many ropes were used for this mission. Helicopter rescue was also considered initially.

First, the rescuers placed a wire rope across the ravine and attached a mobile pulley block to it. Once the vet had lightly anaesthetised the horse, they could pull it out of the deep ravine, hanging in the straps, through the air, and onto solid ground.

The horse and rider slid about 20 meters into the ravine

After six hours of rescue work, both the horse and the rider were able to return to their stable in the afternoon.

The End

Around 60 emergency crews attached a cable winch and a mobile pulley block to the ravine and pulled the horse out of its predicament

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