Fire engulfs 100 hay bales in Celle area. - A straw store set ablaze in the woods.
At Hambühren, a district of Celle, a burning straw barn threatens a forest area. With the high risk of forest fires, the over 90 round bales stacked together in this straw store caught fire, putting nearby woods at risk.
Around 10:39 PM on a Saturday night, camping visitors nearby spot the fire. They call the fire department to respond. Already, the entire length of the straw store is ablaze upon the firefighter's arrival.

Immediate action to extinguish the flames is vital. The fire department does well, stopping the fire from spreading to the dry vegetation nearby. Around 350 meters of hose are needed, ensuring that extinguishing water is available. As the local blaze subsides, the firefighting continues for further hours, as embers occur sporadically in the straw. The origin of the fire in the barn is yet unknown. However, no injuries were reported after the event.

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