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A sex offender manages to flee during a monitored departure.

The court regards him as a potential danger and a threat, leading to his being held in protective custody. Nonetheless, despite being accompanied, a sex offender managed to escape.

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He was held in custody to prevent potential harm or crime. - A sex offender manages to flee during a monitored departure.

A guy was let out of Meppen prison under supervision. On Thursday afternoon, he somehow managed to escape while being released, and he's vanished since then. The convict is incarcerated for sexual crimes and more. The authorities haven't disclosed how he got away or any extra details.

The authorities are examining clues that suggest the man could be in the district of Leer, Lower Saxony. The fugitive is 1.72 meters tall, has a round tummy, gray-blonde thinning hair, and blue eyes. When he left, he wore a short-sleeved red shirt and blue jeans.

Police spokeswoman Corinna Maatje: "If you encounter the man, maintain a distance and immediately call the police at 110."

You can get more information about the fugitive from the police at 0491-97690222.

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