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A severe accident involving a Maserati leaves two people hurt.

In an incident near Hildrizhausen, Böblingen district, two individuals sustained severe injuries.

Der Maserati (Neupreis: ab 100 000 Euro) wurde bei dem Frontalunfall beschädigt. Sein Fahrer (27)...
Der Maserati (Neupreis: ab 100 000 Euro) wurde bei dem Frontalunfall beschädigt. Sein Fahrer (27) kam schwer verletzt ins Krankenhaus

In the vicinity of Böblingen, Baden-Württemberg. - A severe accident involving a Maserati leaves two people hurt.

In Hildrizhausen, a dramatic car crash occurred between two vehicles, leaving both drivers injured. On Tuesday morning, a 51-year-old Volkswagen (VW) driver reportedly veered into the wrong lane, colliding with a Maserati coming from Italy, worth at least 100,000 euros, driven by a 27-year-old. The extent of their injuries is described as serious, necessitating hospitalization. The officials are yet to establish what triggered this accident and determine the possible extent of the damage. The county road was closed for an extensive period following the incident.

Der Fahrer (51) des VWs war angeblich auf der K100 in den Gegenverkehr geraten und frontal in einen Maserati gekracht

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