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A person exhibits disgraceful conduct.

A pair of men exhibited disgraceful behavior in Bochum during the weekend, with one of them being temporarily detained while the other remains at large.

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Bochum: The latest headline. - A person exhibits disgraceful conduct.

On Friday, May 10, at approximately 8:40 a.m., a 60-year-old man, with gritty hair, a gray beard, and a scruffy look, indecently exposed himself to a 15-year-old girl in Langendreer's Hauptstraße region. After that, he scampered off. The person is said to have been wearing dark blue denim jeans, a black topcoat, and a black baseball cap.

The Criminal Investigation Department 12 is now looking into the matter and encourages any information to be provided by calling 0234 909-4120 (-4441).

The text provided here is derived from an official announcement by the authorities and has been rewritten utilizing AI assistance.

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