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A pedestrian (†48) was struck by a car.

Tragic accident in Pulheim-Brauweiler results in one fatality and three injuries on Sunday morning. [ ]

Mit diesem Wagen wurde ein Fußgänger erfasst, er starb noch an der Unfallstelle
Mit diesem Wagen wurde ein Fußgänger erfasst, er starb noch an der Unfallstelle

Severe crash occurs in Pulheim near Cologne. - A pedestrian (†48) was struck by a car.

Right before 2 in the morning, a car with 3 people swerved off Mathildenstraße and crashed into a pedestrian strolling on the sidewalk. The person driving seemed intoxicated.

Emergency! Paramedics tried to revive the critically injured pedestrian - without success! The man (48) passed away.

Female Passenger in Critical Condition

The 24-year-old driving the car had previously crashed into two parked vehicles, collided with a wall, and hit a lamppost. His 24-year-old female passenger was in grave danger.

The women needed to be revived on the scene before being transported to a specialized hospital in Cologne. One additional passenger (23) and the driver himself endured minor injuries.

The specific reason for the accident is still unclear, but the police detected traces of liquor on the driver's breath. A blood sample was removed from the 24-year-old.

Für die Unfallaufnahme wurde die Straße in Pulheim (

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