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A pair of father and son pay the required custom fees.

A father and son pair had an unexpected journey from North Africa to Germany, using their "duck" (a small airplane), and found themselves obligated to pay Bavarian customs due to a residential status predicament.

A father and son duo traveled from North Africa to Germany in their "duck" and had to pay Bavarian...
A father and son duo traveled from North Africa to Germany in their "duck" and had to pay Bavarian customs because of a dilemma with their place of residence

Due to a duck's presence,... - A pair of father and son pay the required custom fees.

Did you know this happens? Customs spotted a car with a Tunisian license plate. As the owner's primary home is in Berlin, they were required to pay taxes and fines.

Authorities discovered two men, aged 69 and 30, who traveled from Tunisia through Italy to Germany with a target of reaching Berlin - the main customs office reported this on a Wednesday. On the Autobahn 96 near Sigmarszell (district of Lindau), the Tunisian license plate drew the attention of customs officials, prompting a vehicle inspection.

The father's primary residence being in Berlin necessitated the payment of customs duties on the vintage car from Tunisia upon its EU arrival. At the inspection, the pair was charged a total of 245 euros in import tax. Additionally, they received a 245 euro fine. They were given the green light to continue their journey in their 29 hp classic car.

The customs office spokesperson explained that this rule applies if an individual's life's center is located in Germany - which was true for these men. If they had only visited Germany or the EU for a holiday, they wouldn't have to pay any duties.

The 69-year-old must now transfer the 34-year-old vehicle's registration within the next six months.


The police stopped the duck

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