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A murderer disrespects the memory of his deceased victim while incarcerated.

A German jail serves as a platform for a murderer: Hamada K. (23), who killed an Italian father in Hanover, publicly ridicules his victim in a video. Remarkably, the 23-year-old reportedly managed to record the hateful footage undetected in prison and afterward circulate it.

Sonnenbrille, Vermummung, Mittelfinger: Häftling Hamada K. (23) gefällt sich im Knast-Video in...
Sonnenbrille, Vermummung, Mittelfinger: Häftling Hamada K. (23) gefällt sich im Knast-Video in der Pose des Gangsters

A father was tragically killed in the family. - A murderer disrespects the memory of his deceased victim while incarcerated.

In October 2023, a German-Syrian man from Hameln was given an eleven-year prison sentence by the Hanover Regional Court for manslaughter and illegal gun possession.

A conflict with two Italian brothers reached a boiling point at a city train station in Döhren district in February. Filippo S. (34), who tried to cool down the situation and help his younger brother (19), was killed by Hamada K. with two gunshots. The father of two succumbed to his injuries on the platform.

Beamte mit Spürhund bei der Spurensuche am Tatort. An der Bahn-Haltestelle in Hannover-Döhren erschoss Hamada K. (23) den Familienvater

Criminal Wannabe Rapper

Der Deutsch-Syrer beim

While in pre-trial detention, the heavily criminalized aspiring rapper, known as "H8" (a mix of "Hate" and "Eight"), continued to seek fame. He shared videos from the detention center on his TikTok channel.

Filippo S. (†34) arbeitete als Kellner in einem Lokal. Er hinterlässt zwei Kinder. An dem Abend wollte er seinem Bruder (19) im Clinch mit dem Deutsch-Syrer zu Hilfe eilen

Sister of the Victim's Anger

Im Video des Killers posierten vermummte Mit-Häftlinge als Gangster-Statisten

"A lot has happened, but I had to suffer through it. My heart is numb, it's dead, I can't laugh anymore," he mumbles and raps in nonsensical, horrendous German in a 26-second clip. The line "You'll find him, then you'll have to dig him up" concludes the performance. Over 15,000 TikTok users found the rap performance amusing.

Der Knast als Kulisse – Videodreh auf den Gängen der Haftanstalt

A spokesperson for the Lower Saxony Ministry of Justice commented, "As soon as the news broke, the video material was evaluated to determine the recording time and identify the individuals involved." The mobile phone was found during the search of the detention center of Hamada K.

Scandalous: The TikTok channel of the killer still exists, and the video is still available. The spokesperson for the Lower Saxony Ministry of Justice did not reveal which prison the controversial video was recorded in ...

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