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A motorist operating a Porsche vehicle overfilled the tank.

The Porsche 911 Turbo driver, aged 38, hastily accelerated down a country road close to Neuhausen auf den Fildern, Baden-Württemberg, with a blood alcohol level of 2.5 on Wednesday evening before filling up his own tank.

The Porsche 911 Turbo at the scene of the accident - material damage: At least 230,000 euros
The Porsche 911 Turbo at the scene of the accident - material damage: At least 230,000 euros

Going against the flow at a rate of 2.5 per thousand - A motorist operating a Porsche vehicle overfilled the tank.

A man driving a sports car slid out of control on a wet road, colliding with a BMW 1 Series, which in turn hit a Ford. The driver of the Ford was severely injured. The series of crashes didn't end there. The Porsche turned sideways and hit a van. To add to the chaos, one of the 911's tires flew off and struck a VW Golf.

When police arrived at the scene, they found that the Porsche driver was not only without a driver's license but also highly intoxicated, with a blood alcohol level over 2.5 per mille. The driver of the sports car had only minor injuries, but his passenger was in serious condition.

The driver (44) of the BMW 1 Series was seriously injured and the vehicle also sustained extensive material damage

To make matters worse, the accident shut down part of the country road and initially assessed the damage to properties at around 250,000 euros. The completely destroyed Porsche accounted for over 230,000 euros of the damage.

The torn-off Porsche tire crashed into a VW Golf

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