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A motorcyclist suffered severe injuries in a traffic accident.

A biker and a car passenger sustained critical injuries in a crash involving a motorcycle and a car close to Forchtenberg, Hohenlohe region. The incident occurred on Tuesday afternoon when the 35-year-old motorcyclist overtook a bus and collided with an approaching car. The car's driver, a...

A Malteser ambulance drives away from the scene of an accident involving a coach with its blue...
A Malteser ambulance drives away from the scene of an accident involving a coach with its blue lights flashing.

The area is known as Hohenlohe district. - A motorcyclist suffered severe injuries in a traffic accident.

A motorcyclist and a car passenger both received critical injuries after an accident near Forchtenberg in the Hohenlohe region. It happened on Tuesday afternoon when the 35-year-old biker passed a bus and smashed into an approaching car. The 70-year-old driver attempted to steer clear of the incident, but ended up crashing. Inside the car, his 68-year-old passenger was pinned down and severely hurt. Emergency helicopters transferred both injured individuals to hospitals. The road was closed for many hours due to this unfortunate event.

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