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A man assaults minors using pepper spray.

A disagreement occurred between an unidentified male and a band of youngsters in a streetcar running on line 1 approximately at 10:40 p.m. on a Tuesday night.

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Mannheim-based news. - A man assaults minors using pepper spray.

A man, whose identity is unknown, used pepper spray on a woman aboard a train heading towards Rheinau station, near Relaisstraße. This incident occurred in the midst of an altercation.

Active in that region, the group of young people and the mysterious assailant likely disembarked at the neighborhood stop of Waldseestraße. This was followed by an assault on a 23-year-old individual in Zwischenstraße using pepper spray. The perpetrator escaped then.

Upon investigating further, officers learned of another assault where the man threw raw eggs at an individual, before fleeing once more.

Descriptions of the perpetrator include his height of approximately 170-175 cm, aged between 20-25, with black hair extending to his neck, a full beard with short curly beard hair, an elongated face, wearing a black jacket with a hood, a black baseball cap, and either gray or brown pants.

In response, Rheinau's police station has started an inquiry and encourages anyone with any knowledge of this incident, particularly the woman in question on the streetcar, to share their information by contacting the local police station at 0621 87682 - 0.

This account stems from official information furnished by the authorities, generated with AI assistance.

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