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A man, aged 28, loses grip due to a sneeze.

A man aged 28 who was driving a VW had a sneezing attack on May 19, 2024 at approximately 5:30 a.m., leading to a car crash.

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"Stolpe: Announcing Baby 24" - A man, aged 28, loses grip due to a sneeze.

A guy driving on the A24 highway between Wöbbelin and Hagenow junctions was heading towards Hamburg when he suddenly sneezed. This led to him losing control of his VW. Consequently, the car first hit the central crash barrier, then the outer crash barrier, and ended up in the middle of the road at a right angle. The front of the VW caught fire, but the driver managed to put the flames out.

The 28-year-old guy sustained a shock and was taken to the hospital in Hagenow to receive further medical treatment. There were no issues reported in his previous vehicle inspections. The A24 going northbound was shut down completely until 6.30 a.m., and half-closed until 9.30 a.m., for the inspection of the accident scene and the recovery of the damaged vehicle, which was no longer safe to drive. The total damages due to this accident amounted to 20,000 euros.

Because of the distorted central and outer crash barriers and the resulting decreased safety features, the Hagenow highway maintenance team set up a speed trap in the vicinity of the accident site, setting the speed limit at 80 km/h. This is temporary until the accident is fixed. This is done to boost road safety while the damage is being repaired. At around the same time, a collision involving wildlife occurred on the A24 traveling from Hagenow to Hamburg. A deer ran onto the road and was hit by a BMW. The 50-year-old driver didn't get injured. The estimated value of damage to the BMW was around 1,000 euros.

This text is derived from official information provided by the authorities and was made possible with the use of AI.

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