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A man aged 28 assaults medical personnel and law enforcement officers.

On May 16th, 2024, a 28-year-old individual assailed medical professionals in Freiburg's central Eisenbahnstraße, who had been rendering aid to him.

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Fribourg: a city in the Swiss canton of the same name - A man aged 28 assaults medical personnel and law enforcement officers.

At first, the guy appeared to be unresponsive, but then he came to as first aid was being provided. While being treated, he harmed a paramedic. The paramedics managed to climb into the ambulance and inform the police. The 28-year-old man caused severe damage to the ambulance.

When the police arrived on the scene, the guy threatened them with a knife. In response, the police officers used pepper spray to stop him. Even after being subdued, he continued to curse and threaten the officers before he was arrested.

This information is from the authorities and was written with the use of an AI.

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